Saturday, December 16, 2006

My Debt

I have a lot of debt at the moment. Sometimes I don't know I got into it all. I really don't. I should call upon myself to answer this question and I probably will very soon, as soon as I get a few hours to enter it all in some kind of chart.

Anyway my biggest mistake was being late on a few payments with Bank of America. I have had a pretty decent credit history up until then (this was probably in 2005). They kicked my interest rate up to 32.24% and it kind of began this whole nightmare. Not to mention I have not had steady employment and I am still under-paid now. The reason I have not had steady employment is because I have been suffering from anxiety and depression since college ended. I have been trying to find a job I like to do and this hasn't happened, which has resulted in me taking on jobs and quitting them pretty quickly. I tried hard at a lot of things but I failed. Lets just put it that way. Maybe I will post more on this at another time but I'd rather this blog remain positive and creative.

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