Friday, December 15, 2006

Well, Hello World!

Hey everyone! I created this blog to explain how I got into debt and how I am going to get out of it. I am so sick of feeling poor, aren't you? And I am not even as poor as they come, sadly enough. I'm just an average girl in my 20s, college-educated, with a job. I don't wear Prada purses, I don't have a little dog in a carrying case (although they are cute), I don't go on expensive vacations. As a matter of fact, most of my socks have holes in them! I don't really know where all my debt came from but that is for another discussion.

Anyway I would love for others to join me as I try to get out of this hole. I have big plans for myself- I want to get married in the next few years, I am trying to go for additional schooling next Fall so I can try a new career I have dreamed up. Its been years since I have been on vacation and who knows when I will go anywhere again.

I was brought up shopping at Benneton and going to Paradise Island in the Bahamas every year. This is a far cry from those days.

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