Monday, February 5, 2007

My progress as of 2/5/07

Well actually I haven't made much progress. At all, in fact I probably am in more debt than I was on Friday. This are some mistakes I have recently made:
1. Not remembering to get my paycheck on Friday so I could deposit it asap
2. Taking money out of my savings to go out to a bar on Saturday night.
3. Taking money out of my checking account on Sunday to treat my boyfriend and sister to lunch.

These were extremely poor decisions.
Also I had to buy gas for my car which I couldn't really afford but I took it out of my checking account anyway. Now I am not sure where the money is going to come from for my next two bills, two credit cards. Discover card is due 2/24 and I need $150 for that. Also I am not sure when my Juniper will be due, I haven't gotten my next due date assigned yet.

Do you believe I was tempted to buy one of those massage chairs from Brookstones? I was almost-seriously thinking I would just establish a payment plan for it. Its like I can't find happiness through myself or my relationships. I was looking for something that would help me be happier and feel better.

Today is kind of shot cause I have a funeral to attend this evening but I can do two small things. Here they are, I will report back tommorrow.

1. Put my credit cards back in my filing cabinet (and out of my wallet!).
2. Spend 30 minutes marketing my blogs so I can eventually make money off of them.

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