Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Taking cards out of wallet

Well I was able to put my credit cards away like I had planned to. My paycheck was so small this last week that I could not take out any extra money to have spending money for this week. This presents a problem cause I have no money! At least I am pretty sure I will be able to pay all my bills this month according to the budget I planned out for repaying my debts.

Also I cancelled my trip to the Open House program I wanted to attend. I did not have the money for parking and could not afford to miss any more work. I feel good about that because I made the responsible decision.

I am continuing my efforts to brainstorm for odd-jobs and ways of making extra money. I have to develop a better plan for more diligently looking for extra work.

Since I have nothing particularly helpful to say in this entry, here is a link that may be more helpful. This article lists 5 ways to make extra money.

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